This is one of those games that I've owned for years (almost 2 decades), yet have never gotten around to playing it. I had heard it was good, and it even looked like the sort of game I'd really enjoy, but I was always either busy with other things, or knee-deep in some other game.
So, here we go.
Albion, by Blue Byte Software, was released in Germany in 1995, then later ported to english and released internationally in 1996. I remember buying this on my lunch break when I was working as a technical support lackey for an ISP. My main job was telling every poor sap who called to either stop using Windows 3.1, to reinstall Windows 95, or that it meant jack and shit that their modem supported "56k Flex".
The game was released for MS-DOS, which, to you younger folks, was a popular command line operating system that PCs used "back in the day". Many will argue that some of the best PC games of all time were released under this OS.
To play this, I will be using a modified build of DOSBox called "DOSBox Daum". It includes all sorts of extra things, as well as making many aspects of DOSBox part of the GUI, such as mounting cd images and resizing windows while maintaining aspect ratio. (Honestly, I don't understand why this stuff isn't in the official build of DOSBox to begin with, but whatever.)
The game starts out with you chilling in your room aboard the spaceship "Toronto". Upon leaving, you're approached by your girlfriend who gives you lots of hints about plot stuff and what I need to be doing, other than searching for anything to take.
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Wait, what? |
You learn from others on the ship that, A- you need to go down to a planet to do "researchy stuff" for the company that you work for, and B- someone has died horribly from touching something he should not have touched.
Other than these 2 points, it's all a matter of searching about for stuff to take. I did manage to find the room of the person who got blown up, and found that he had gun ammo stashed. Further searching led me to a guarded room, where the lethal accident happened, as well as another NPC that the game pointed out as a good friend of mine. You can ask him about the guarded room, and he will tell you how to get into a maintenance tunnel that will get you in there without alerting the guards.
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In the tunnels. |
From this view, you can also access an automap.
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Pretty handy. |
Now, in the tunnels, there's a pair of doors just before you go into the guarded room that can only be opened from one side of them. One door closes once you open the other door to get up into the room, meaning you have no choice but to leave through the main door with the guards. The trick here is that you're supposed to go back down into the tunnels and find a cabinet close to the door you can no longer open, and stash the gun and ammo in there. This will allow you to go back into the tunnel from outside the room (again) and get the gun, only this time leaving the way you came in. If you don't do this, the guards will take the gun and ammo.
I had to reload my saved game twice to figure this all out, but it was cool. I'm hoping there's more stuff like this further on.
While doing all of this, while in the top-down view on the ship, you keep getting a message that you are needed in the hangar to prepare for exploring a nearby planet. Since it keeps coming up every 2 minutes or so, I can't help but feel as though I'm being rushed where I really should explore. In any case, once you accept the games demands of advancing the story, you're brought to the hangar to witness an exchange between yourself, the captain, and some guy that's going with you.
Then I was given a small cutscene of myself and "Mr. Hofstedt" talking while descending to the planet, followed by the ship having tons of problems and then crashing.
You crash, then find that the planet is not what you were expecting. Both yourself and the Scientist seemed to be under the impression that it was a dry, lifeless, desert planet, but instead it's a lush, forest planet teeming with life.
Then the ship explodes, and you're knocked unconscious.
Then you wake up to this -
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Uhm... |
You wake up and find that A- you been out for several weeks, B- you were saved by your scientist partner and some feline race that inhabits the planet, C- your partner has learned the alien language, and D- the new alien race isn't big on clothing.
After all of this, you're told you're not well enough yet, and that you have to stay in bed for another month or so, in which time you too learn the new language (so the game will make sense from here on out), and you are finally able to get up and start figuring out what next.
That's where I decided to save the game for now.
So far I'm liking this game a lot, and am sort of upset with myself for not playing this back when I had originally got it. A few other things -
- I wish searching items was different, in the sense that there seems to be many cabinets and shelves, etc, but very few have anything in them. If something is empty, you can't search it at all, so there's lots of being told that something is just a wash basin, instead of it just being empty.
- I'm hoping that any sort of level advancement just hasn't been shown to me yet in the game. Back on the ship I manged to gain a level by smuggling the gun past the guards. My character screen shows "training points", but I have no idea what to do with that.
- I wish there was some sort of character creation instead of having a predetermined role, but whatever, I can live with it.